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FabLab Student

Fablab Student is the name of the committee that is up by Café Mangold in the S-huset. Fab Lab student is a student association that conducts its activities in Fablab Halmstad and is the most important link between FabLab Halmstad and the University's students. 


The association gives students the opportunity to create and be creative in the lab. They offer workshops, events and the opportunity to do private projects.We take care of creation regarding primarily different types of plastics, 3D modeling and textile handling. For more information about our machines.



Med hjälp av vår laserskärare kan man gravera och skära ut komplexa former i främst akryl eller plywood. Dessutom har vi en UV-skrivare som kan skriva ut högkvalitativa bilder på vilken yta som helst.

Modell: Trotec speedy 400 och Roland VersaUV LEF2-200


The Committee

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